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The Endangered Southern Gallberry Honey

The Endangered Southern Gallberry Honey

The bees are active again in the wetlands and Flatwoods of South Georgia this Spring. The nectar is flowing and so is the honey. Southerners in this area of the state have gathered secret honey for hundreds of years.

Deep in the shadowy wet woods grows a plant known by the name, Inkberry or Gallberry, it is a part of the Holly family. This plant produces nectar that local bees turn into a medium-toned, molasses flavoured honey delight. While the fruit and

leaves of this small bush are poisonous, the nectar is not. The bees love the Gallberry Bush, and it helps them survive in the thick Flatwoods when other nectar might be harder to locate.

Because of expanded agriculture, population, and deforestation for a multitude of reasons, the Gallberry Bush is considered a threatened plant or critically imperilled species. (More Info) We know of several local beekeepers that are transplanting Gallberry Bushes to create groves for a sustainable source for bees in South West Georgia in an effort to preserve the traditional delicacy.

As go the Gallberry Bushes, so goes the Gallberry Honey. Weeks Honey Farm is proud to work directly with American Beekeepers to try to help sustain an endangered honey and create a better environment for future generations. Try the wonderful Weeks Gallberry Honey on your favourite item today, and see what Southerner's have enjoyed for centuries!

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